Shopping second hand lets you find vintage designer pieces at a better price, stumble across rare (or even one-of-a-kind) pieces with a story to tell and of course build your dream wardrobe in a sustainable way. To take your vintage shopping to the next level, we’ve put together 5 tips to ensure that your next second-hand adventure is your most successful one yet.

1. Make a Plan or research before setting off on your shopping spree

The range of vintage pieces you can find online is huge and can be overwhelming at first, if you scroll haphazardly through the website. That’s why it can be a good idea to research / think about what you want to buy (you can even create a pinterest board or wish list first) and then strategically search for colors, brands, or styles.

2. Finding Good Deals Online and Offline: Compare Vintage Sellers’ Prices

Instead of buying from the first seller you find, compare different platforms and sellers to get a real bargain price. It also helps to research what the average price of the product might be before buying by exploring similar items. When it comes to trendy or hyped pieces, it might also be a good idea to wait a bit before buying.

3. Bargaining for your Best Vintage Deal: Don’t be afraid to negotiate prices

Especially at flea markets, bargaining is just simply a part of second-hand shopping! The sellers know that and often set their prices above their minimum sales price initially. So, usually there is a little leeway – so turn on your charm and you might be able to get an even better deal than you could have imagined 😉

4. Only But from Trustworthy Second-Hand Online Shops

Especially when it comes to designer pieces it’s important to buy only on websites that are 100% trustworthy. The stores should be able to guarantee the authenticity of the clothes or bags and a glance at the sellers’ profile or rating can also be a good idea.

5. Don’t Disregard Pieces that aren’t *Perfect*

If an item fits poorly, but the material is INCREDIBLE, you can always adjust the piece yourself or take it to a tailor. Shoulder pads can be removed very quickly and a belt can be tied around a loose dress. Let your creativity roam free instead of trying to find a piece that already meets all your requirements.

💪 There you have it, now you know how to spot the best vintage pieces at the thrift store! Don’t have a thrift store around you to try out your new skills? CrushON gathers more than 1300 professional thrift stores directly online, so you can hunt for the rare pearl, from your couch! This way to hunt for nuggets 👇

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Les règles pour un dépôt réussi
  1. Vêtements vintages uniquement. 
  2. Maximum de 5 pièces par dépôt.
  3. Vous gagnez 50% du prix H.T. du vêtement
  4. Nous fixons les tarifs de revente ensemble !

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